IoSR Privacy Notice: Student PTY Placements

The IoSR's Professional Training Year (PTY) placement management system is provided to assist students with their search for PTY placements, to assist placement employers with recruitment, and to facilitate the administration of each placement once it is secured.

Data relating to students include placement seeking data (preferences, interviews, outcomes, necessary ad hoc notes), placement tracking data (contact details, paperwork statuses, start/end dates, salaries, assigned tutors, necessary ad hoc notes), placement safety data (risk assessments, induction checklists), student-written placement reports and lists of '5 exciting things', other coursework items (personal development review forms, curricula vitae and cover letters, lists of placement achievements) and marksheets.

Placement seeking data are accessible to the Senior Professional Training Tutor (SPTT) and his/her assistant(s). Placement tracking data are accessible to Tonmeister placement staff. Placement safety data are accessible to Tonmeister placement staff; with the author's consent, risk assessments are alao accessible to other Tonmeister students. Student-written placement reports are accessible to Tonmeister placement staff and to other Tonmeister students (unless the author has requested confidentiality). Student-written lists of '5 exciting things' are publicly available (as an information resource for potential degree programme applicants). Other coursework items are accessible to Tonmeister placement staff.

Each curriculum vitae (CV) uploaded to the PTY website is accessible only by the specific placement employer(s) indicated on the uploading student's 'preferences' webpage, and by the SPTT and his/her assistant(s).

Data relating to Tonmeister placement staff include name, contact details, placements to which they have been assigned as visiting tutor, visits made and expenses incurred. These data are accessible to all Tonmeister placement staff. Additionally, each student will be told the name of their visiting tutor.

Data relating to employers who have expressed their interest in offering a student placement include name, contact details, and a summary of correspondence. These data are accessible by the SPTT and his/her assistant(s). The placement job description and placement status (e.g. TBC, available, interviewing, filled) will also be accessible by Tonmeister students.

The placement agreement completed by student, employer and SPTT (or delegate) is also stored. This is accessible by Tonmeister placement staff.

Storage Period

Placement agreements and placement safety data are kept until the end of the student's relationship with University plus six years (in accordance with University policy).

Placement seeking and tracking data are kept until the end of the student's relationship with the University (in accordance with University policy).

Student-written placement reports are kept until seven years after the year of the placement (for the benefit of future placement students).

Other coursework items and uploaded CVs are kept for one year after the placement year, and marksheets are kept until the end of the student's relationship with the University (in accordance with University policy).

Data relating to employers who have expressed their interest in offering a student placement are kept until such time that the senior professional training tutor (SPTT) believes that the placement is no longer likely to be available/suitable.


The system uses students' expressed preferences to generate a shortlist of candidates for each potential placement. The shortlist for any given placement will comprise those students keenest to secure that placement. The list will update automatically and an update may be triggered: if a student changes his/her preferences or decides not to seek a placement; if a placement is filled or otherwise ceases to be available; if an additional student or placement becomes available; if it appears that a placement is no longer likely to be available to a particular student because an employer is interviewing but has not considered that student's CV or has not invited that student to interview.

Automated and manual emails are sent to students:

Automated and manual emails are sent to employers who have expressed their interest in offering a student placement:

Version 1.01 (24-May-2018)